Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A wife's sentiments

Every single day of our lives, challenges come from either in a small box that we just shrug our shoulder off or in a huge package that we almost want to escape & refuse to deal with it. These past few days I lost my sanity and now I’m gradually picking up the pieces of my senses back to normal. Else this post would be all about the sh@$%^t of my life.

I let my self to howl for couples of nights and days for the reason I don’t even understand. Dumb me! Actually it was the same issue over and over again spinning on my head. An old story, a very very historical one and I’m so pissed off. However, as what I always tell and pray “learn to accept the things that I cannot change”, keep my mouth shut so no more harsh words will be spoken that I’ll regret later. I can be as sordid as I could possibly be. Hating everything I see, situation, people around me and even myself. Thus, I need time to be alone even for a few minutes, clear my mind and heal my heart. Face the new day with an open mind though I can’t help to think about the situation again and again. Losing the fire of affection slowly triggers me to quit in this partnership yet on the second thought I never dream to have a broken relationship without giving a fight.

There are successful marriage stories that I’ve heard, they experienced the worst nightmares & instead of giving up they didn’t allow it to destroy the relationship. These give me hope to inspire and continue to fight the battle of life.

Hayyyy.. time-out na muna sa drama.

Arroz a la Cubana without the rice

On the lighter side,got the recipe from YUMMY Magazine but I separate the rice and substitute some of their ingredients like tobasco sauce and raisins instead I used hot sauce and green peas. My blog became more of a food blog, can’t help it as my passion for cooking grows. Please bear with me.

¼ kilo lean ground beef
Olive oil
2T tomato paste
1 can green peas
Dash of Worcestershire sauce
Dash of chilli sauce
Salt & pepper

For toppings:-
Fried egg
Fried saba

Sauté onion, garlic and carrots in olive oil and tomato paste. Cook until the tomato paste has darkened in colour . Add ground beef and cook until meats are no longer pink. Stir well and add the seasonings and sauces. Next add the green peas, if the mixture becomes dry just add Worcestershire sauce. To assemble, place rice on a plate top with ground beef mixture then fried egg. Place fried bananas on the side.

Bon Appetit


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