Friday, November 11, 2005

Our baby starts moving

I'm now on my 20th week, last week I already felt some movements on my belly and I don't know how to describe it. It's like there's something swimming inside my womb or a wave that made me stopped whatever I'm doing because it made me numbed for a minute. When I put my hand to feel it,it's gone. A first timer like me won't be able to recognize easily the baby's kicks but through surfing and exchanging of pregnancy experiences I've learned a lot. I also gained 4-5 lbs now and my tummy is bigger than last week.

We are supposed to be in the province today but due to bad weather news we opted to cancel our trip. I miss my parents and my nephews, I haven't been there for more than 2 months already. So I plan to have a trip by end of this month alone.Next week is Andrew's birthday but he's in night shift schedule, my birthday plan for him ruined by his schedule. A little surprise might do a trick --> a cake, flowers and a simple note.

That's all for now. Out!


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